Time travel is created by science fiction writers. Then in the TV series “Lost”, a parallel universe was created. In more than one culture, people believe in spirits, ghost and after-life. I can’t say with any certainty whether any of these are or will become true but nonetheless they are all intriguing concepts with some very interesting implications.

I am not here to speculate or theorize what I don’t know. My goal is to raise awareness of our “parallel” existence that we often forget – our physical self and our mental self.

Following are a non-exhaustive list of aspects where it is not enough to just train on the physical:
– physical balance vs mental balance
– physical flexibility vs mental flexibility
– physical pain vs perceived pain
– physical shape vs imaginery lines and connections
– physical mechanics vs psycho-mechanics
– conventional medicine vs placebo effect
– physical self vs self perception

There is no lack of people that talk about body and mind. People talk about taking a holistic approach to medicine or to life. However, regurgitating what others said does not mean that you appreciate its significance. It is not just that the two exists because everyone knows that. However, to be able harness its interaction between the two dimensions so that it can work as one requires a vision as well as the drive to put in the work.

1) Expand on each of the aspects and give ‘proofs/examples’ that such physical and mental dimension exists and are both important.
2) This is just one instance of a much larger concept. What is it? We extended from that foundation concept. Do you know what that is?

Parallel universe