Outdoor training days feel different in so many different ways – fresh air, terrain and other environmental factors. We will train outdoors this coming Tuesday since Nikkei is not available.
Things to take advantage of when outdoors:
- look for hazards like broken glass, sharp rocks, etc..
- plan your outfit, shoes, water, wallet, insect repellent accordingly since we will be outdoors,
- experiment with environmental factors that can work to your (or your opponent’s) advantage,
- feel the ground for different purposes,
- appreciate the presence and awesomeness of mother nature.
- To get the location of this Tuesday’s training, email or message me by Monday evening or you may miss the class – my incentive for you to do the blog early. 🙂
- Everyone returning from last season should sign again this year’s wiaver through http://www.martialgym.info. Those that are new MUST register online regardless of whether you are a regular or still paying as a drop-in. This is important for insurance as well as logistical reasons.
- Once you have the date, time and location, what kind of prep work should you do?
- Bring a big beach towel that you don’t mind getting dirty to class.
Outdoor practices