Whether it is sport, martial arts, study or career, those that excel share very similar traits:

  • “Dream big” gives one the passion to see past current challenges. “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” ― Norman Vincent Peale
  • The difference between a dreamer and a champion is often the work ethics.
  • Just working hard by itself won’t give you results, you need to exercise what the human brains are designed for – to think, anticipate, create and adapt.
  • “Expect nothing” is not equivalent to “not dreaming”. Over-expecting often leads to frustration during adversity and when things don’t go according to plan, it is easy to freak out.


“Expect nothing” may not work for everyone. Discuss both sides of the coin. Then try to see how you can adapt it for yourself.

Dream big, work hard, compete smart and expect nothing