With sport, you know about your target event dates way in advance. With those dates, you start to work your training schedule backwards so that you peak at the right time.

All top tier athletes worked hard throughout their career to get to the Olympics. However, not every world champion within a sport event can medal at the Olympics. There are of course random events that we cannot change. However there are also other factors that can be tinkered:

  • sport federation – timing of qualifiers; keeping politics away from athletes and coaches
  • coach – when to push for what and when to back off; taking a long term versus a short term achievement approach; when to take risks or not; adaptability; addressing both physical and mental training; pulling in the right resources at the right time are all important.
  • rehab team – nobody reaches their max without going past their physical/mentalability, knowing your own body and mind is very important; Proactive assisted injury prevention and training recovery are all vital.
  • supporters – this range from finance, emotion, logistics, pressure to succeed, communication and many more.

Watch some Olympics and tell me some events / stories that made an impression to you!

Olympics – peak performance