Lets try and see how we can apply Mindset, Skill and Tactics outside combat. Just recently, I taught a 4 week session in an inner city school. The following is how I taught the classes applying the “Triad” principle.


  • Believe that I can make a difference
  • Want to make it relevant and hopefully be able to connect to as many kids as possible in a short time
  • Want to provide an effective alternative to punching and kicking as a self defense mechanism.
  • Want to use physical activities to make them realize that their destiny under their own feet – they have to walk that road themselves. Teachers can inspire and support but ultimately, they have to own it themselves.


  • Teach how to maintain balance in imbalanced positions
  • Teach how to get away wrist grabs without the other person even knowing that you have applied a skill
  • Teach how to jump higher
  • Teach rope skipping, manipulations, etc
  • Teach hand-eye coordination using light apparatus
  • Make conditioning fun through a whole variety of movement patterns


  • Fun – To make them want to learn, the activity has to look cool, different or fun to keep their attention. Men’s RG apparatus and handling looks cool and challenging. The music “We will rock you” has strong simple beats, involve them in ‘making’ music.
  • Goals – as example, “head 5” give them a definitive challenge and physical feedback.
  • Practice – Repetitions are key but we need to do them without them realizing they are training.


  • Pick any potentially challenging subject area for you and see if you can apply the “combat triad” principles.
Modern combat triad – part 2