When someone throws a punch at you, I call it an actionable attack – the attacker is physically there and you can make a choice on how you respond. However, in the real world, attacks don’t always comes in ‘actionable’ ways. Therefore, the scope of our classes are more than just punching, kicking or being physically strong and fit – we want to be ready for the real world.

Is there a difference between scam, illusion and magic? well, maybe only in how they are used. When you think about it, they are all based on very similar principles.

The following YouTube channel has quite a few ‘hustles’ explained and it is good to be aware of some of these ‘tricks’.

It is important that everyone of you try the assignments to the best of your effort and don’t just think of it as another assignment. If you don’t understand the questions below, you need to ask as early as is possible and not to send me an email saying “I don’t understand the question”.

  • I want you to watch at least 3 videos and then try to distill them into something that we can use.
  • Think past the videos that you saw and give me another 3 examples of ‘non-actionable attacks’.
Self defense without punching and kicking