I love martial arts for as long as I can remember. When I was really young, whenever I see my uncles, I nag them to teach me kung fu. Not being tall enough, I climbed onto the sofa and hang onto their neck, tie, hair or whatever I can cling onto to get their attention / response. As I grew older, I had to earn my informal lessons by working my grandparents garden; digging, plowing and whatever physical work that needs to be done – the time we are together, we formed a special unspoken bond and my own personal martial art journey would not have been the same without their influences.

During this period, I was exposed to some key strategies and concepts of Wing Tsun (永春). I didn’t see my uncles too often and therefore I never learn the forms and the approach is always in response to outside threats. So, kung fu to me was never about imitation but more importantly, the thoughts and reasons behind each of the techniques.

Looking back, it wasn’t the techniques that impacted me most because I don’t punch or kick the same way anymore. Through those years, I learn that martial arts is ABOUT INTERACTING with the people’s movement, their mind and the environment; “self discovery”, health and other benefits were never my primary goals but indeed very tangible by-products though the training process. During those years, the seed for creative thinking was planted and had a positive impact on my martial arts journey as well as my professional career. For that, I am forever grateful and I do miss them!

Exercise (email me or facebook comment)

  • We are who we are today and we cannot roll back time and wished something else had happened. However, what we do today can influence what happens tomorrow and how you feel about yourself in the future. Every personal journey is different and we each have our own mind daemons and physical challenges to solve. Do you know yours and how are you going to solve it?
Stories – the young curious mind