I never knew that “half-breed” was actually a derogatory term for anyone who is of mixed races. I am from the generation where a person is a person regardless of their ethnic origins. Furthermore, from the studys of Darwins, there
Power of acknowledgement
Brainstorm session is a powerful tool often used in design meetings. It makes meetings productive by addressing some very common human trait: diving into the pros and cons before tabling all possibilities; arguing about the faults of someones’ suggestions in
Your presence matters
Every person during some stage of their life have some self-doubt about the relevancy of their presence. I can tell you from my personal experience – yes, everyone matters! You can see how a child glows when their parents watch
Your brain
Bruises, broken bones and other physical injuries heal eventually. Medical technology are at a stage where many body parts are replaceable / repairable. However, your one-and-only brain (and nervous system) is non-replaceable and almost impossible to repair. For many years,
Patterns – verbal, movement and thoughts
Patterns suggest predictable habits and habits are hard to break. Language pattern includes sound or tone patterns, oral mechanics, pronunciation and accents, choice of words and much more. We tease Australians about “g’day mate” and of course Canadians are teased