This video provide a very interesting perspective on how technology and knowledge influences the outcome and improvement of different sports. The part you shouldn’t miss is at the tail end (12 minute mark) where he discusses about the power of
MacGyver – an old TV series
Love this old TV series from way back. MacGyver is a James Bond type character who is resourceful and possessed of an encyclopedic knowledge of sciences. He solves complex problems with everyday materials he finds at hand, along with his
Dictated truth 2+2=5
The following is a powerful video. Most think that this can only happen overseas and never in North America. Yes, no one have a gun to your head. However, just think: how many girls are ‘programmed’ to think what is
Lessons for kids work for adults too
All too often, we forget lessons learned when we were kids or we don’t do what we teach our kids. Read this article about ways to help your kids but try to see how it can apply yourself too. Examples: