What do I like about the Olympics? lots of inspiring stories, a display of human excellence, national pride, etc.. Last but not least, during the Olympics, you will see more than just hockey, football and basketball, sports like rhythmic gymnastics,
Piggy banks
Whether you have a physical piggy bank where you store cash or a bank account or credit line, you appreciate the advantage of having a ‘reserve’ that you can draw on when you need. It doesn’t always have to be
Training slow
Taichi trains slow and most people think it is just for old folks and for health. While this may be true for some, training just for health is certainly not the goal for all practitioners. When I went to learn
Cliché? It depends…
Whether this blog is all cliché really depends on you. If you take it at the face value, everything is cliché and irrelevant. If you just nod and think that it is a great idea, guess what, you won’t be