Since eBook and audio become more accessible (via the library) and affordable (cheaper than print), I read a lot more than I used to. I used to read around 10 printed books per year. First year (2014) I went into
Sensory and response
Sensory involves receiving the stimulus and interpretation of the stimulus. As demonstrated via inkblot experiments, two persons seeing the same thing may interpret things differently. Further complicating things, we have built-in filters that ignore some deemed ‘non-essential’ stimulus, otherwise we
Overcoming physical limitations
I am often asked how can you fight someone who is bigger and stronger than you? This really depends on whether you are fighting in the ring as a sport, on the street or simply politics. Lets be realistic, in
Some classic KOs
Ben found the following video that assembled quite a few KOs from past fights: Exercise Watch the video, comment on what you saw and draw some conclusions.
How did that work?
This week Darryl and Ben both saw some interesting videos and submitted the material for this week’s blog. It makes me happy to see the participation and contribution. Tapping into resources like YouTube is invaluable regardless of whether you agree
Some people have problems with the concept of ‘attacks’ because if martial arts is suppose to be for self defense only, attacks sound like you are initiating an aggression. Conflicts leading to actual physical contact start way before the first
Defense – Mental aspect
Parents send kids to martial arts class to learn self defense. The hope is that they can protect themselves physically – punch back if needed. Yes, that is an important fallback resource but not enough. Kids and young adults can
Defenses that don’t work
There are probably a million ways for a specific defense strategy to fall apart. Here are some on the top of my list: If you do not know / see what you are defending against. If you have wrong assumptions
First rule of self-defence
A lot of martial arts for children classes tell kids that fighting is only used as the solution of last resort. I agree. However, as part of the child’s first introductory class, they teach kids how to punch and kick
Learning and re-learning simple moves
We cannot take for granted how we move or even maintain a static pose – a lot of chronic pains are developed because of bad mechanics. By mechanics, we mean strength and coordination of muscles, workload, angles / alignment, balance,